Marcene Farley
Pekin Community High School, Pekin, IL — Latin, Etymology, and Mythology teacher, Scholastic Bowl Coach
August 1991- May 2022
Latin Club Sponsor, 1991-2022
2001-2022 Varsity Scholastic Bowl Coach
Dragon Day orientation committee
Dragon Pride committee
IEA Regional Council Representative, 1993-2022
Bargaining Committee (twice)
Labor-Management Relations Committee, 5 years
IEA Representative Assembly Delegate 1993-2022 (minus 2 years)
NEA Representative Assembly Delegate 1994-2022 (minus 2 years)
Ticket seller basketball and football events
Track timer
Organized 11 student trips to Italy
Master Dragon Award 2018 (faculty member chosen by students with most school spirit)
Outstanding Contributor Award 2022 (chosen by faculty committee)
New Albany High School, New Albany, IN — Latin teacher
August 1986-May 1991
Latin Club Sponsor, 1986-1991
Football and basketball ticket seller
Teachers’ bowling league secretary
New Albany-Floyd County Education Association Recording Secretary-responsible for monthly newsletters when cut and paste were literal terms. 1987-1991
Marshall High School, Marshall, IL — Latin/English teacher
August 1984-May 1986
Latin Club Sponsor, 1984-1986
Assistant Scholastic Bowl Coach, 1984-1986
National Honor Society Sponsor, 1985-1986
Ticket seller at all sporting events
Chaperone for all student council events
St. Xavier University, Chicago, IL — Masters in Educational Leadership
September 1996-May 1998
Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL — Bachelor of Arts in Classics/Education
September 1980- May 1984.
Various courses throughout the years at Indiana University Southeast, Illinois State University, Aurora University, Rockford College.
Served on Latin Teacher certification committees, twice-maybe three times. I’m still traumatized from the one experience ;0. I’m not sure what years.
Latin teacher of the year award from ICC, 2012.
Volunteer for local PBS station Channel 47 Bowl-a-thon and annual auction, 25+ years
Volunteer for local Marigold Festival, 25+ years
Volunteer for Tazewell County Democrats, 2022-present
Election judge, 2021-present